Legal Notice

Legal Notice and Terms of Use

Website Owner

Altamar CAM Partners, S.L., headquartered in Paseo de la Castellana 91, Madrid, with C.I.F number B-83811570, registered in the Registro Mercantil de Madrid, on page M-341245, tome 19,448, folio 1 is the owner of this website. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this entity has assigned the use of the same to Altan Capital.

Altamar CAM Partners, S.L. is owner (i) of 42,5% of Altan Real Estate, S.A. with C.I.F. A-84793454, registered in the Registro Mercantil de Madrid on page M-413526, tome 23.080, folio 212, which is the sole owner of 100% of Altan Capital SGIIC, S.A., management company of collective investment institutions with C.I.F. number A-85149839 registered in the corresponding administrative register of the CNMV, on 20 July 2007, with number 219 and registered in the Registro Mercantil de Madrid on page M-413526, tome 24.189, folio 120


The purpose of the information on this Website is to describe the activities of Altan Capital S.G.I.I.C., S.A.U. (referred to here as ‘ALTAN’).

ALTAN reserves the right to update, modify, or remove the information contained on this Website, as well as the Website’s Terms of Use, at any time and without the need for advance notice.

Those using this Website are taking on the status of User, and this implies their acceptance of the Terms of Use described here.

Use of the Website’s Information

Given the nature of this Website and its electronic distribution via the Internet, neither ALTAN nor its directors and/or employees may be held liable for any loss, expense, or harm that could result from, or be related to, the use of or inability to use any material incorporated into the Website or transmitted on or through it.

None of ALTAN’s members will be liable for any data transfer errors, such as data loss or any type of harm or alteration, including but not limited to any direct or indirect harm that could be derived from use of the information or services provided at this Website.

It cannot be guaranteed that the material at this Website is free from any type of malware infection, such as by viruses, Trojan horses and/or any other type of computer code that could be harmful or destructive in nature. You are responsible for taking the appropriate protective measures in relation to your IT systems, such as the use of anti-virus software.

Limitation of Liability

Dada la naturaleza de este Sitio y la naturaleza de su difusión electrónica a través de Internet, ni ALTAN ni sus directores y/o empleados se responsabilizan de ninguna pérdida, coste ni daño que pueda resultar o estar relacionado con el uso o la incapacidad de usar cualquier material incorporado o transmitido en o a través del Sitio.

Ningún miembro de ALTAN será responsable de cualesquiera errores de transmisión de datos, tales como la pérdida de datos o el daño o alteración de cualquier tipo, incluidos, sin limitación, cualesquiera daños directos, indirectos o que puedan derivarse del uso de la información o los servicios prestados en este Sitio.

No se garantiza que el material de este Sitio esté libre de cualquier tipo de infección: virus, trojan horses y/o cualquier otro código que pudieran resultar de carácter contaminante o destructivo. Usted es responsable de tomar las medidas de protección oportunas es sus sistemas informáticos, tales como controles anti-virus.

Links to Other Websites

This Website may contain links to other websites over which ALTAN has no control. ALTAN accepts no liability for the materials or information found at those websites, or for any other services or products that may appear on them.

ALTAN, its directors and/or its employees accept no liability for any harm or losses of any kind that could be due to the content of those other websites.

Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

ALTAN is the sole and exclusive owner of this Website’s contents. It has reserved all rights in relation to them, and those rights are protected by the applicable legislation on intellectual property. ALTAN reserves the right to deny or suspend any person’s access to this Website, without the need for advance notice.

You may download or print copies of individual web pages and/or sections of this Website, as long as you do not remove the legal notices on Copyrights or any other legal notices regarding the ownership rights held by ALTAN. Removal or modification of any information or security measures included at the Website is strictly prohibited.

ALTAN is not granting to the User any type of licensing over its intellectual property rights, or over any other rights related to the contents of this Website.

Therefore, any reproduction (whether full or partial), transmission (whether electronically or by any other means), modification, transformation, linking, or use of the Website and its contents for any public or commercial purpose is strictly prohibited, unless written permission has first been obtained from ALTAN.

Information Security

ALTAN has adopted technological security measures to protect the information provided by the Users against any potential misuse, loss, or alteration. However, ALTAN cannot guarantee the confidentiality of the Users’ communications and information when transmitted via this Website. Please do not transmit any confidential information to the Website or through the Website. You must also be aware that all communications transmitted at the Website are public communications, not private ones.

Applicable Right

Access to and use of the Website will be subject to Spanish Legislation for services rendered in Spain and to German Legislation to services rendered in Germany. Users who access the Website within Spain or Germany will be responsible for the compliance with the national legislation that are applicable in regard to access and/or use of the information contained herein

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